Short Story, Big Picture: DEPLOYING PATIENCE

Apr 29

Practicing patience is a virtue when it comes to growing sales in a small business. Level-headed, calm thinking can reduce stress and help you see through the long-term goals you set. Today'...

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Mar 28

One of the mistakes I see when companies start producing content for social media is they focus in creating a character. Your buyers want to buy from people they know, like, and trust. How can the...

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Short Story, Big Picture -- February, 2024

Feb 28

The statement "consistency over quality" can be true, kind of, let's talk about it. When you are just starting out marketing your business on social media, consistency in posting content helps m...

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Short Story, Big Picture: Social Media... still...

Dec 28, 2023

Welcome to the start of 2024, ready to hear that you need to be using social media to build your business again? Well…to be able to work ON your business and not always IN your...

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Introduction: Short Story, Big Picture

Oct 31, 2023

INTRODUCTION: SHORT STORY, BIG PICTURE I know you are busy and don't think that you have time to read this. Everyone you cold call or meet for the first time while networking is thinking t...

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Promonoise -- The Podium

Dec 29, 2022

We all want to stand on the podium, don't we? I mean, who doesn't want that incredible feeling that comes along with being recognized for your excellence? What so many of us forget, time and time...

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Promonoise -- Change Your Bio

Nov 30, 2022

Change Your Bio, Change Your Life Something unexpected happened the other night: I was answering some correspondence on LinkedIn and suddenly felt the urge to change my bio (or what LinkedIn calls...

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The Beachball and the Pool

Oct 31, 2022

I have a pool. I think we keep it at a pretty warm temperature... but my seven year old disagrees. He's a skinny little guy, as both his mom and I were, at that age. In other words, he doesn't ...

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Promonoise -- Giving

Jul 22, 2022

Giving: An Elegant Equation There's no end to the ways in which we can give. Consequently, there's no end to the ways in which we can receive. Giving equals receiving (G = R) ... That equa...

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Promonoise -- Teach to be Taught

May 31, 2022

The best mentors and educators I've ever encountered all have one thing in common: They never stop learning. Now think back to the worst teacher you ever had in school. Were they engaging? Bor...

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Promonoise -- Productivity Shame

Apr 30, 2022

It may be our innate desire to continuously want to improve; to achieve; to move forward and progress. And at the same time, it may be our innate desire to want to be happy. I mean, do you wa...

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Promonoise -- How to Negotiate

Mar 31, 2022

Negotiation is all about exploiting a weakness, calling-in a favor, or leveraging a relationship. And if you believe any of that, you're definitely from a bygone era. When we contemplate the w...

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Promonoise -- Feelin' It

Feb 28, 2022

Success is just another word in the English language that limits our capabilities. Some will tell you that a desired outcome is the definition of success. Others will tell you that it's a prog...

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Promonoise... An Altered State of Mind

Feb 9, 2022

Nope, not interested! I've heard that before. I'm sure you have too. It's a common refrain, particularly in sales (and sometimes in relationships). Your pitch was impeccable.....

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Promonoise... What Rhymes with Rut?

Dec 29, 2021

We've all been there: a week without closing a single sale, back-to-back meetings that sucked, or even a speeding ticket. If you start piling those things onto one another, you begin to make ...

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Promonoise... Attracting Talent

Nov 30, 2021

Over the span of a twenty-year career as a supplier, having conducted tens of thousands of distributor meetings and presentations, the single most repeated question had to have been, “Al...

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The Sweet Sounds of Promonoise

Oct 26, 2021

PromoEQP welcomes our newest Distributor resource... Promonoise Reverse Engineering the Outcome Too often we blame others for our misfortunes. Too often we believe that circumstance has...

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Messages from the Dip

Aug 31, 2020

*** Please note: This is an ongoing commentary published through Updated commentaries will be first available through this link:

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