HPG... A Supplier who's got your back
PromoEQP is thrilled to announce an exciting NEW approach to Supplier webinars.
The foundation of this new video series is based off of the two truths in our Industry…
- The Distributor is their own competitive advantage.
- The Supplier is the Distributor's most important partner.
In this new webinar series, we deep dive into examining the strength and value of a Supplier dedicated to “having the back” of the Industry’s Distributors. By blending “post-production” with engaged “discussion”, this series fully captures a Distributor’s need of BOTH product options and ideas WITH relationship driven conversation.
This introductory video – featuring HPG Brands – covers the following topics:
HPG business adjustments made through the “shut-down” that will become ongoing practices.
Recognized product trends and ongoing sales opportunities.
Supplier consolidation and mergers.
Steps to avoid falling back into bad behaviors as the Industry emerges.