Messages from the Dip

  • Aug 31, 2020

*** Please note: This is an ongoing commentary published through Updated commentaries will be first available through this link: ***

Aug 17th, 2020

"New Normal" is a stupid phrase.


To be clear, it's too generic to be explicitly applicable, while also too specific to a multitude of everyday life moments to communicate the current challenges adequately. I'm guessing Hallmark has a whole line of "New Normal" cards for expecting parents.


Now, with that said, it would be foolish of me to fail to recognize that this moment IS uniquely different from previous normality. My position, however, is that I refuse to accept that we are powerless to define a longer-term state of normality. Let me clarify.


Based on the conversations we are having with Distributors, there seems to be a consensus that the moment's New Normal is equated to being on an economic & emotional roller coaster. There are days where the phone is ringing, emails are flying back-and-forth, products are being researched, quotes are getting sent out – and then we hit the Dip. In the Dip, we are left in hours of phone ringer-less silence just staring at our computers and questioning our choices in life.


While I am sure that my generalization does not apply to every single Distributor outlier, it is to recognize that collectively our new normal moment is to be occasionally lost in the Dip! Furthermore, I am generally suggesting that if we attack the Dip, then we can address the issues that existed BEFORE the economy sheltered-in-place and potentially come out of this BETTER than we were when it began. Rather than being a victim to the new normal, we are instead empowered with molding our future.


Regardless of whether you are successful or stymied in the immediate moment, isn't it preferable to be in control of defining your sense of normal?


In a series of commentaries, I'll dive into greater detail with five projects to address dealing with the Dip. The information and guidance put out will be supported and reasoned…and entirely entrusted in your hands to act upon. The fact is, you genuinely are your competitive advantage – and you will be the reason your business survives the year 2020. If we can inspire you into something productive while stymied in the Dip, we will have been of service.